October is all about safety. It’s both Worksafe Month and Cybersecurity Month so the focus is on keeping yourself and your employees safe and your organisation safe from a cyber-attack.
WorkSafe Month is a time for employers and workers to focus on improving work health, safety, wellbeing and return to work; and reducing work-related injury, illness and death.
The focus for WorkSafe Tasmania Month in 2023 is Safe Bodies, Safe Minds: Working together to ensure workers return home safe and well every day. WorkSafe Tasmania is running several events around the state covering topics including:
- Bullying and harassment in the workplace
- Psychosocial hazards and mental health in the construction industry
- Embracing change: Uncovering and addressing psychosocial risk.
- Emergency Management
- Leadership to make a difference.
- And many more…
Participants who attend a WorkSafe Month event will receive a certificate of attendance.
For more details on WorkSafe Month in Tasmania, please click here.
October is also Cybersecurity Month. In this article, we’ve discussed cybersecurity on a number of occasions, primarily as it’s a concern for every business, of every size in every industry. This being Cyber Security Month, we’re encouraging all members to consider their business or organisation’s cybersecurity safety and be cyber-wise – don’t compromise. Cybersecurity is complex and requires careful consideration and planning. In the 2021-22 financial year, approximately 76,000 reported cyberattacks were reported. Do you have cybersecurity procedures, plans and procedures in place? Need help? Let us know and we can put you in touch with programs, resources and experts who can assist.