2021 Election Promises

Commencing with the March 2021 Election, the Chamber undertook to gather and monitor all the election promises made by all parties.

We undertook to publish to our website the promises made by the party that ultimately won the election, for accountability. For 2021 that was the sitting Tasmanian Liberals.
This page details the Tasmanian Liberals wider policy set. Their election promises were as follows:
  • $4 million over the next 2 years for a site-specific dredging program for Tamar River
  • During the first 100 days, consult with all members of the TEMT to determine the most appropriate enduring governance model for the future and ongoing management of the Tamar River. Commit up to $1 million annually to support the establishment and ongoing operations of the preferred model
  • $80 million towards a bridge to connect the East and West Tamar highways
  • $14 million to develop a new visitor gateway adjacent to the Freycinet National Park
  • $240 million to redevelop Port of Devonport
  • $145 million for the Burnie port
  • $15 million for agricultural research facilities at UTAS Newnham campus
  • $580 million to build 3500 social housing homes by 2027
  • $98.5 million over four years to employ an extra 1000 TAFE teachers
  • $156.4 million over four years for elective surgeries
  • $580 million investment into the Launceston General Hospital redevelopment masterplan
  • $65 million for UTAS Stadium redevelopment
  • $21.5 million to fund agreements for six “iconic” events including Junction Arts, Festivale and Targa
  • Lifting the tax-free threshold for land tax to $50,000
  • Introduction of a foreign investor land tax surcharge of 2 per cent on residential properties
  • Make 7.5 hectares of land at Mt Pleasant laboratories available for social housing
  • $5 million for Flinders Island special assistance package
  • $10 million to upgrade bus stops
  • $20 million over four years for additional school buses and general commuter buses
  • $31.5 million over four years for Metro ticketing system upgrade
  • $7.5 million for new St Helens police station
  • Promise of 50 more police recruits
  • Delivery of a co-located private hospital in Launceston
  • $52 million for in-home and community palliative care services
  • $20 million to upgrade Mersey Community Hospital
  • $60 million for redevelopment of North West Regional Hospital
  • $56 million for mental health
  • Promise of 48 new paramedics
  • $10 million loan fund for solar installations for sporting clubs
  • $5 million to lower headworks costs
  • $5 million for solar panels in schools
  • $13.8 million jobs packages – $4 million of this to attract tradies to construction sector
  • $5 million for Advanced Manufacturing Action Plan
  • $3.2 million to support employment in community sector
  • $10 million for upgrades of soccer facilities at four places including Churchill Park and Birch Ave

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