One of the best locations for business!
It was a great start to the week with The Mercury, a Platinum Chamber Member, reporting that credit reporting agency CreditorWatch, has identified Launceston as one of the best locations in Tasmania to do business. CreditorWatch sees trade payment defaults as the leading indicator for future business insolvencies. According to the report, only 3.96% of businesses in Launceston defaulted in the 12 months to June 2022.
The article celebrated a number of new businesses opening in Launceston including San Churro Chocolateria, Delicia Acai, Pinot & Picasso, and the imminent opening of Du Cane Brewery and Dining Hall, the revamped Tatler Arcade, and the FermenTasmania Fermentation Hub at Legana.

Speaking of the FermenTas Fermentation Hub…
On Tuesday, West Tamar Council approved the development of the FermenTasmania Fermentation Hub at Legana. The new 1800-square meter, $16 million hub will provide spaces for research, training and agritourism. It’s envisioned the hub will create up to 650 jobs and will see fermentation businesses flourish with access to the hub’s equipment and research facilities. It will be a new northern Tasmanian food entrepreneurial ecosystem. This is a very exciting development for northern Tasmania. Congratulations FermenTasmania!

Tasmania and the United Nations Sustainability Goals
At yesterday’s Tamar Valley Leaders Lunch (a joint initiative of Tamar NRM, the Rotary Club of Central Launceston, Hotel Grand Chancellor Launceston, Velo Wines, and the Chamber) Adam Mostogl, CEO and Chief Entrepreneur of the Van Diemen Project discussed Tasmania’s legacy as a ‘state of firsts’ (not to mention Launceston’s legacy as a city of firsts) and whether our state should again lead the way by aligning to the United Nations Sustainability Development goals, or going our own way?
After examining both options and allowing the audience to ask questions, a quick poll showed that the majority of the audience believed Tasmania should again lead the way and align our businesses and developments to the sustainability goals.
At first glance, this sounds like a huge undertaking, but if you visit the UN website, each goal is broken down into a number of targets, which many businesses and organisations are doing already. Why not visit the UN website and consider aligning your business and developments to the UN Sustainable Development Goals?