Please join us for
Business After Hours @ Town Hall
as we gain key insights into the
2023 State of the City Report
The 2023 State of the City of Launceston report gathers data from internal, local, state and federal sources to understand trends in Launceston across a range of sectors and to collate information about Launceston in one convenient and highly interactive report. Using data and reports from the 2022/23 financial year, or the most recent information available, the Council has examined Launceston-specific data relating to population, employment and trade, transport and mobility, sport and recreation, culture, and development.
Two members of the Council’s Innovation and Performance team, Dr Tony McDonald (Data Analyst) and Karishma Kodavali (Economic Development Officer), will go through aspects of the report that may be relevant to the commercial community. This will include: opportunities from our interactive Business Activity Survey, issues related to residential land, the likely business impact of a 1 in 500 year flood event, our changing population makeup, visitation to Launceston, what types of businesses are growing, our freely available Launceston Place Brand toolkit and more besides.
Refreshments will be served but this will be an alcohol free event.